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Abayev N.V., "On the Correlation between the Theory and Practice in Ch'an Buddhism" (O sootnoshenii teorii i praktiki v chan'-buddizmye), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], VII, Moscow, 1976, vol. 3, pp. 618-625.

Abayev N.V., "Some Structural Aspect s of Ch'an texts and Ch'an Buddhism as a Meditative System (Nekotorye strukturnye osobonnosti.chanskogo, teksta i chan'- buddizm kak mediativnaya sistema), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], VIII, 1977, pp. 103-117.

Abayev N.V., "Some archaic traits in Ch'an Buddhism's Theory and Practice [abstract] (Nekotorye yavleniya arkhaichnogo proiskhozhdeniya v teorii i praktike chan'-buddizma), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], IX, M,, 1978, pp. 148-150.

Abayev N.V., "Archaic Forms of Religious Theory and Practice in Ch'an Buddhism (Arkhaichnye formy religioznoi teorii i praktiki v chan' buddizme), in: Buddism i srednievekovaya kul'tura narodov Tsentral'noi azii (Buddhism and Medieval Culture of the Central Asian Peoples), Novosibirsk, 1980, pp. 156-176.

Abayev N.V., "D,T. Suzuki and the Zen (Ch'an) Cultural Heritage in the West (D.T. Sudzuki i kul'turnoe nasledie dzen [chan']-buddizma na Zapade), in Narody Azii i Afriki,1980, No. 6.

Abayev N.V., "Ch'an Buddhism and Wu-shu (Chan'-buddizm i u-shu), in Narody Azii i Afriki , 1981, No. 3.

Abayev N.V., The Correlation of Theory and Practice in Ch'an Buddhism (according to Lin-chi lu) . Unpublished dissertation, Moscow, 1978.

Abayev N.V., Chan Buddhism and the Psycho-active Culture in Medieval China (Chan' buddizm i kul'tura psikhicheskoi deyatel'nosti v srednevekovom Kitae), Novosibirsk, 1983, 124 pp.

Abayev M.V., Nesterkin S.P. "Some Psychological Aspects of Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism's Influence on the Human Being as a Person and as a Subject of Activity (Nekotorye psikhologicheskie aspekty vliyaniya chan' (dzen) - buddizma na cheloveka kak lichnost' i sub 'ekt deyatel'nosti, in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XI, Moscow,1980, vol. 1, pp.

Abayev N. V., Nesterkin S.P., "Man and Nature in Ch' an (Zen) Culture: Some Philosophic and Psychological Aspects of Interaction (Chelovek i priroda v chan'skoi /dsenskoi / kul'ture: nekotorye filosofsko-psikhogicheskie aspekty vzaimodeistviya), in Problema cheloveka v traditsionnykh kitaiskik ucheniyakh (The Problem of Man in Traditional Chinese Teaching ), Moscow,1983, pp. 57-72.

Abayev N.V., Vechersky M. I., "The Principles of Modelling a Ch'an (Zen) Paradoxal Dialogue in a Training System with Elements of the Artificial Intelligence (Printsipy modelirovaniya chan'skogo paradoksal'nogo dialoga v trgningovoi sisteme s elementami iskusstvennogo intellekta), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XIX, Moscow, 1988, vol. 1, p. 178.

Abayev N.V., Vechersky M.I., "On Some Peculiarities of the Ch'an 'Technology of Knowledge' (O nekotorykh osobennostyakh chan'skoi "tekhnologii znani"), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XX, Moscow, 1989, vol. 1, pp. 102-106.

Abayev N.V., Ch'an Buddhism and the Cultural-psychological Traditions in Medieval China (Chan'-buddizm i kul'turno-psikhologicheskie traditsii v srednevekovom Kitaye), Novosibirsk, 1988, (Revised and enlarged edition of the above-mentioned monograph of 1983)

Atsev, Krum (Bulgaria), "The Ch'an Buddhist Heritage in the Chinese Literary Tradition (Nasledie chan'-buddisma v kitaiskoi literaturnoi traditsii), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XVI, Moscow, 1985, vol, 1, pp. 200-202.

Batalov E.Y., "Zen Buddhism and Bourgeois Ideology (Buddizm "Dzen i burzhuaznaya ideologiya), in Filosofskie problemy ateizma (Philosophical Problems of Atheism. Moscow, 1983.

Dagdanov G.B., "Wang Wei (701-761), a Spiritual Successor of the Sixth Ch'an Patriarch Hui-neng (638-713) (Van Vei dukhovnyi preemnik shestogo chan'skogo patriarkha Hueinena), in Problema cheloveka v traditsionnykh kitaishkikh ucheniyakh, Moscow, 1983, pp. 87-98.

Dagdanov G. B., Ch'an Buddhism in Wang Wei's Work (Chan'-buddizm v tvorchestve Van Veya), Novosibirsk, 1984, 134 pp.

Golygina K.I., "Buddhism and Chinese Poetical Thought (Buddizm i kitaiskaya poeziya, in Tipologiya i vzaimosvyaz' srednevekovykh literatur Vostoka i Zapada (Typology and interrelations of medieval Western and oriental literatures ), Moscow, 1974, pp. 289-307. (On Ch'an as it was treated in Yen Yu's Tsang-lang shi-hua).

Girnyk A.N., "Zen (Ch'an) and the Modern Pedagogical Aspects of Creative Thinking (Dzen [chan'] i sovremennye problemy pedagogiki tvorcheskogo myshleniya), in Voprosy istorii literatur Vostoka (Problems of the oriental history of literature), Moscow, 1979, Part I.

Goreglyad V.N., "The Zen Buddhist Philosophy (Filosofiya dzen-buddizma), in Aziya i Afrika segodnya, 1976, No, 10, pp. 57-60.

Gurevich I.S., "On the Correlation of the Written and Colloquial Styles in the Yü-lu of the T'ang period (based on the material of the Records of Lin-chi / Rinzai. ) (O sootnoshenii pis'mennogo i razgovornogo yazyka v tanskikh yü-lu), in Pis'mennye pamyatniki i problemy istorii kul'tury narodov Vostoka (Written Monuments and the Problems of the Oriental Peoples' Cultural History ) . Abstracts of the eleventh annual conference of the Leningrad Institute of Orient al Studies, Moscow, 1975, vol, 2, pp. 39-43.

Gurevich I.S., "The Lexical Rows and their Function for Organising the Lin-chi-lu Text (Leksicheskie ryady i ikh rol' v organizatsii teksta "Lin-chi-lu ), in Teoreticheskie problemy istorii litertur Dal'nego Vostoka (Theoretical Problems of the History of Literature in the Far East. Abstracts of biannual conferences) VIII, Moscow, 1978, Pt. 1, pp. 74-75.

Gurevich I.S., "The Ch'an Yü-lu of the T'ang Period as Sources for the Study of Colloquial Language (Tanskie buddiiskie Yü-lu sekty chan' kak istochnik dlya izuchenya razgovornogo yazyka), in Literatury stran Dal'nego Vostoka (The Literatures of the Far East ), Moscow, 1979, pp. 11-18.

Gurevich I.S., "The Recorded Sayings of Lin-chi (Zapisi besed Linchi), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XIX, Moscow, 1988, pp. 173-178. (An annotated translation of an excerpt from the Records of Lin-chi).

Kabanov A.M., "The First Satori Gathas in Japanese Zen Poetry (Pervye gathi o satori v dzenskoi poezii v Yaponii, in Pis'mennye pamyatniki i problemy istorii kul'tury narodov Vostoka (Written Monuments and the Problems of the Oriental Peoples' Cultural History. Abstracts of the fourteenth annual conference of the Leningrad Institute of Oriental Studies), Moscow, 1979, pt. 2, pp. 180-184.

Kabanov A.M., "Eisai, the Founder of Zen in Japan (Eisai - rodona-chal'nik dzen v Yaponii, in Pis'mennye pamyatniki i problemy istorii kul'tury narodov Vostoka (Written Monuments and the Problems of the Oriental Peoples' Cultural History. Abstracts of the fifteenth annual conference of the Leningrad Institute of Oriental Studies. Moscow), 1981, pt. 1, pp. 93-98.

Kabanov A.M., "Zen and the Traditional Chinese Culture in Medieval Japan (Dzen i traditsionnaya kitaiskaya kul'tura v srednevekovoi Yaponii), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], 1982, Moscow, vol. 2, pp. 71-78.

Kabanov A.M., "The Bureaucratisation of Ch'an in the Sung Dynasty (Byurokratizatsiya chan' pri dinastii Sung, in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XIV, Moscow 1983, vol.1, pp. 171- 177,

Kabanov A.M., The Poetry of Gozan Bungaku (XIV-XV centuries) and its Place in the Japanese literature (Poeziya "godzan bungaku [XIV-XV vv] i eyo mesto v istorii yaponskoi literatury). Leningrad, 1983 (Unpublished dissertation ).

Kabanov A.M., "A Didactic Japanese Treatise of the 13th Century (Pamyatnik yaponskoi didakticheskoi literatury XIII v.), in Narody Azii i Afriki, 1987, No.2, pp. 93-103, (Translation of excerpts of Shôbô genzô zuimonki with introduction and commentary ).

Kabanov A.M., :Man and Nature in the Gozan Bungaku Poetry (Chelovek i priroda v poezii godzan bungaku), in Chelovek i mir y yaponskoi kul'ture (Man and World in Japanese Culture ), Moscow, 1985, pp. 72-86.

Kabanov A.M., "The Amidaist Nienfo Practice in Ch'an Buddhism (Amidaistskaya praktika nyan-fo v chan'-buddizme), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XII, Moscow, 1986, vol, 1, pp. 156-161.

Kabanov A.M., "Chi Sung's (1007-1072) Attitude towards Buddhism and Confucianism (Vzglyady Tsisuna [1007-1072] na buddism i konfutsianstvo), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XIII, Moscow, 1987, vol.1, pp. 94-99.

Kabanov A.M., "The Emergence of the Gozan System and the Bureaucratic Evolution of Zen Buddhism (Formirovanie sistemy godzan ["pyati monastyrei"] i byurokratizatsiya dzen-buddizma), in Buddizm i gosudarstyo na Dal'nem Vostoke (Buddhism and the State in the Far East, Moscow, 1987, pp. 180-203,

Kabanov A.M., "The Ch'an Ritual (Chan'ski ritual)", in Etika i ritual v traditsionnom Kitae (Ethics and Ritual in Traditional China ), Moscow, 1988 pp. 236-255.

Murian I.F., "The Gardens of Daitokuji (Sady Daitokudzi), in Chelovek i mir v yaponskoi kul'ture, Moscow, 1985, pp. 166-182.

Nesterkin S.P., "Kôan as a Method of Psychic Auto-regulation in Ch'an Practice (Gung-an' kak metod chan'skoi praktiki samoregulyatsii), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XII, Moscow, 1981, vol. 1, pp. 191-201.

Nesterkin S.P., "Concerning Two Aspects of Verbal Functioning in Ch'an Buddhism (O dvukh aspektakh funktsionirovaniya slova v chan'-buddizme), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XIII, Moscow, 1982, vol. 1, pp.

Nesterkin S.P., "Some Philosophical and Psychological Aspects of the Ch'an Kôan (Nekotorye filosofsko-psikhologicheskie aspekty Chan'skikh gun-an'), in Filosofskie yoprosy buddizma (Buddhist Philosophical Problems ), Novosibirsk, 1981, pp. 72-80.

Nesterkin S.P., "The Psychological Foundations of Medieval Ch'an Buddhism (Psikhologicheskie osnovy srednevekovogo chan'-buddizma), in Psikhologicheskie aspekty buddizma (Psychological Aspects of Buddhism ),.Novosibirsk, 1986, pp. 144-156.

Pomerants G.S., "Zen and its Heritage (Dzen i yego nasledie), in Narody Azii i Afriki, 1961, No. 4, pp. 181-191.

Pomerants G.S., "Tradition and Innovation in Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism"(Traditsiya i neposredstvennost' v buddizme chan' [dzen]), in Rol' traditsyi v istorii i kul'ture Kitaya (The Role of Tradition in Chinese History and Culture ), Moscow, 1972, pp. 74-86.

Pomerants G.S., "The Social Factors of the Flourishing and Decline of Zen in China (Sotsial'nye usloviya rastsveta i upadka chan' v Kitae) in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], I.Moscow, 1969, vol. 2.

Porshneva E.B., Abaev N.V., "Ch'an Buddhism and Popular Sects: An Attempt of Tracing the Ch'an Traditions in Lo Ching's (XVI century) Religious and Philosophical Teaching (Chan'-buddizm i narodnye sekty: opyt vyyavleniya chan'skikh traditsiy regiozno-filosofskom uchenii Lo Tsina), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], X, Moscow, 1979, vol. I, pp. 173-183.

Rinchino L.L., Shestakov V.I., "Some of the Psychological Aspects of 'Chan Practice' (Nekotorye psikhologicheskie aspekty "chan'skoi praktiki"), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], X, Moacow, 1979, vol. 1, pp. 219-226.

Safronova E.S., "Some Aspects of the 'Shaman Complex' in Zen and Ch'an Buddhism (Nekotorye aspekty "shamanskogo kompleksa v dzen i chan' buddizme), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XII, Moscow, 1981, vol. 2, pp. 104-114.

Safronova E.S., "About Archaic Elementa in Zen (Ch'an) Buddhism (Ob arkhaiecheskikh elementakh zen [chan'] - buddizma), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XIII, Moscow, 1982, vol, 2, pp. 79-86.

Safronova E.S., "The Zen Laughter as a Reflection of an Archaic Agricultural Festival (Dzenskiy smekh kak otrazhhenie arkhaicheakogo zemledelcheskogo prazdnika), in Simvolika kul'tov i ritualov narodov zarubezhnoi Azii (The Symbolism of Cults and Rituals of the Asian People outside of the USSR ), Moscow, 1980, pp. 68-78.

Steiner E.S., "The Essence of Zen in the Love Poems by Ikkyû Sôjun (Sushchnost dzen v lyubovnykh stikhakh Ikkyu Sodzyuna), in Teoreticheskie problemy istorii litertur Dal'nego Vostoka (Theoretical Problems of the History of Literature in the Far East. Abstracts of biannual conferences ), Moscow, 1982, part 2, pp. 285-292.

Steiner E.S., Ikkyû Sôjun, Moscow, 1987, 273 pp.

Trotsevich A.F., "Ch'an Buddhism and Korean Prose (Chan'-buddizm i koreiskaya khudozhhesvennaya proza), in Buddizm, gosudarstvo i obshchestvo v staranakh Tsentral'noi i Vostochnoi Azii v srednie veka (Buddhism, State and Society in Medieval Central and East Asian Countries ), Moscow, 1982, pp. 16-27.

Yangutov L.E., "Philosophy and Religious Practice in Chinese Buddhism [Huayen and Ch'an] (Filosofiya i religioznaya praktika v kitaiskom buddizme [Huayan i chan'], in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], XIV, Moscow 1983, vol. 1, pp. 155- 158.

Zavadskaya E.V., "The Individual, its Structure, and its Function according to Ch'an Teaching (Lichnost' eyo struktura i funktsii slogasno ucheniyu chan'), in Obshchestvo i gosudaratvo v Kitae (Society and the State in China) [abstracts and lectures of the conference], III, Moscow 1971, vol. 1.

Zavadskaya E.V., The Orient in the West (Vostok na Zapade), Moscow, 1970, 126 pp. (On Zen Influences in Western Philosophy, Literature, Painting, and Music).

Zavadskaya E.V., The Eastern Culture in the Present Western World (Kul'tura Vostoka v sovremennom zapadnom mire), Moscow, 1977. (Enlarged edition of The Orient in the West, 167 pp.)

Zavadskaya E.V., The Aesthetic Problems of Traditional Chinese Painting (Esteticheskie problemy zhivopisi starogo Kitaya). Moscow, 1975 (Contains on pp. 304-335 an abridged translation of Hui-neng's Platform Sutra )

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