
Rinzai Sect

The Institute for Zen Studies was founded in 1964 to promote research in Zen teachings, thought, and various cultural expressions. It issues the quarterly Zen Bunka and offers a wide range of monographs and other publications.
The name “Rinnō” is formed by the combination of the “Rin” of the Rinzai school and the “ō” of the Ōbaku school of Zen. The website offers information about recent events at Rinzai-Ōbaku institutions, about the history of the Zen tradition and of the principal Rinzai-Ōbaku temples, about the practice of zazen, and about many other topics of interest.
The website of Myōshin-ji—the largest Rinzai Zen headquarters organization in Japan with over 3,400 affiliated temples—offers information about temple history and ritual, current activities, zazen practice, Zen publications, and other topics of interest. It also reports on decisions and announcements at meetings of the Myōshin-ji General Assembly.

Other Sects

The Research Center for Sōtō Zen Buddhism conducts research on the Sōtō teachings, stressing ways in which to best present and apply them in the context of the contemporary world.
The official website of the Japanese Sōtō school of Zen, the Sōtō Zen Net presents information on zazen, on Dōgen Zenji (the founder of the Japanese Sōtō school), and on Sōtō temples in Japan and abroad. It also offers several on-line journals.
Established in 1989, the Jōdo Shu Research Institute offers information pertaining to the teachings, propagation and ritual of the Japanese Jōdo Sect.


The goal of the CBETA is to “develop Buddhist Information technology, improve the exchange and accessability of Buddhist scriptures, use the special capacities of the electronic medium to store and deliver the scriptures of the Chinese Tripitaka.” Its primary mission is the “complete input, proofreading and delivery of volumes 1-55 and 85 of the Taisho Tripitaka.” Sections of the Zokuzōkyo are also being released.
The SAT is the result of an ongoing effort to convert the entire Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō (Taishō Tripitaka) into machine-readable text files.
INBUDS is an online database with over 30,000 scholarly articles relating to Indian and Buddhist Studies. Online searches and text downloading are possible.
The Tendai Research Foundation offers a variety of materials useful in the study of Tendai philosophy. Among the Foundation's publications are the Zoku Tendaishū Zensho and the Tendai Denshi Butten CD.
Founded in 2003 by the Nishi Hongan-ji school of Jōdo Shin Buddhism, the Center for Shin Buddhist Studies offers digitalized versions of texts pertaining to Shin Buddhism. Online searches and text downloading are possible.
Still under construction, the archive offers images of selected pages from a wide variety of Zen, general Buddhist, and other texts in the possession of the Komazawa University Library.
An online dictionary of Buddhist terms, sponsored by Tōyō Gakuen University and edited by Charles Muller. Membership system, but nonmembers may make a limited number of searches.

Kanji Processing

The Mojikyō Institute has developed software for enhanced Chinese Character word-processing with more than 80,000 character fonts. The application also contains a remarkably fast and effect system to look up Chinese characters. The product is offered publicly in the form of CD-ROM; all fonts in the product are also available on the Internet Web Page.
The Documentation and Information Center for Chinese Studies (DICCS) is one way in which the Institute for Research in Humanities furthers its overall goal of systematically studying of the world's cultures and societies. The DICCS offers digital images of rubbings of Chinese stone inscriptions, a search engine for literature in Asian studies, etc.
The Unicode Consortium is a non-profit organization founded to develop, extend, and promote use of the Unicode Standard, which specifies the representation of text in modern software products and standards.

 Last Update: 2012/08/02