2010 / 12 / 06
A Report on the Second Hakuin Forum in New York

2010 / 10 / 05
Announcing the Hakuin Symposium in New York, 4 November 2010, at the Japan Society.

2005 / 04 / 20
Release of Ryū’un-ji Collection of Hakuin’s Art.

2004 / 12 / 06
Announcing the opening of the pages “The World of Hakuin’s Artwork” and “A Map of Hakuin’s World”.

2004 / 09 / 17
Release of “Nyūminshisetsu to shite no Shūryō Zenji” (Part 4), by Uemura Kankō (in Japanese).

2004 / 09 / 01
Release of “Nyūminshisetsu to shite no Shūryō Zenji” (Part 3), by Uemura Kankō (in Japanese).

2004 / 08 / 18
Release of “Nyūminshisetsu to shite no Shūryō Zenji” (Part 2), by Uemura Kankō (in Japanese).

2004 / 07 / 29
Release of “Nyūminshisetsu to shite no Shūryō Zenji” (Part 1), by Uemura Kankō (in Japanese).

2004 / 07 / 20
Release of “Hyōnenzu saikō” (Part 31), by Yoshizawa Katsuhiro (in Japanese).

2004 / 07 / 15
Release of “Waga bungakushijō ni okeru Gozanbungaku no ichi,” by Uemura Kankō (in Japanese).

2004 / 07 / 09
Release of “Hyōnenzu saikō” (Part 30), by Yoshizawa Katsuhiro (in Japanese).

2004 / 07 / 02
Release of the journal “Zendō,” special issue on “Hakuin” (in Japanese).
